Monday, April 11, 2011


EUC (End User Computing) refers to the idea that the end user himself or herself performs processes such as design, development, operation, and maintenance of information systems. Advancement in PC performance, lower costs, development of distributed processing based on networks, and popularity of package software have all contributed to the progress of EUC.   

Traditionally, user departments used to request that development and operation management be done by information systems departments; however, the work of information systems departments has increased, making it difficult to provide individual services to end users. Then, within scopes limited to their departments and groups, the end users themselves began to perform the operation and development of systems. As the end users conduct their own operation, design, development, and integration, they can customize systems that fit their specific individual needs.  

System integration and development by end users are called EUD (End User Development), but in practice the difference between EUC and EUD is not clearly identified.


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